Trillium Nature Trail in Memorial Park is closed, from trail markers 3 to 5, due to a large fir tree that fell in the March 2023 storms and blocked the trail. All single-track trails in Pescadero Creek Park are now closed to horses for winter.
Mirada Surf East has reopened following fire fuel reduction work.
The area south and west of the park, which was burned by the CZU Lightning Complex Fire, remains closed. Other trails remain closed due to storm damage.
2023 Annual Report on pest management activities focused on protecting natural resources across 24 county parks and 200 miles of trails.
Flood Park, including the pump track, is now expected to remain closed until mid-December while the first phase of the renovations is completed. When the park partially reopens, visitors will have access to the pump track, small multi-use sports field, and sports courts.
Beginning Monday, Nov. 4 through Friday, Nov. 22, all of Flood Park, including the pump track, will be closed. When the park reopens Saturday, Nov. 23 visitors will have access to new facilities.
See trail and area closures including Big Slides in the Meadow View playground.
To finish construction of the multi-use sports field and sports courts, crews are scheduled to continue work on Saturdays, Oct 19 through Nov 16. On Nov 4 –22, the entire park will be closed, including the pump track.
Among the three concepts presented, the most popular with the community was boulder canyon, which reflects a natural aesthetic and will incorporate rocks of varying sizes to serve as play and relaxation areas.
Construction crews on site Saturday, October 5. Early pump track closure continues.
Construction crews on site Sat., Sep 28; early pump track closure continues
Construction activity includes the parking area, an ADA-accessible trail, restrooms and a stacked seating/viewing feature.